
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


sunstone form India


It consists of feldspar, mostly plagioclase and mainly oligoclase, some andesine and labradorite and has a characteristic appearance: there is a flicker of small metallic flakes inside an orange mass, this is why it was given the name of sunstone, or héliolite. This orange optical

moonstone from Sri Lanka cut in cabochon


The moonstone is composed of alkaline feldspar, mainly potassium in other words orthoclase, in its variety “adularia”. This is actually a microperthite resulting from a microscopic phase separation of platelets from a sodium feldspar, the albite, in the orthoclase during the cooling of the mixture

olgoclase from Brasil oval cut


From the family of plagioclase, its name comes from the Greek “oligo”, a little bit, and “klassos” break, because it is a feldspar whose cleavage is more difficult than for others. It is part of the albite-anorthite series. It was identified by Breithaupt in 1826.

labradorite crystal from Finland with the phenomenon of blue labradorescence


This plagioclase was discovered in 1770 in the Labrador region in Canada, which gave it its name. It is part of the albite-anorthite series. Its characteristic is a set of iridescent colors that can be observed by changing its position relatively to the light, this

fancy cut hyalophane from Bosnia


Discovered in 1855, it owes its name to the Greek “hyalos” – glass-, and “Phanos” – which has the appearance.

yellow bytownite from Mexico, oval cut


It is the town of Bytown near Ottawa that gave it its name. It is part of the plagioclase family,close to the anorthite pole.

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