
Je vous emmène à travers mes vidéos découvrir mon expérience acquise depuis plus de 30 ans a silloner le globe entier à la recherche de pierres précieuses, de rencontre mémorables mais aussi de difficulté parfois …


cabochon of ussingite from Russia


Discovered in 1914, its name honors the Danish mineralogist Niels Viggo Ussing (1864-1911)

tanzanite from Tanzania rectangular cut


This is the blue variety of zoisite. It would have been known since 1954, but it was in 1967 that Manuel de Souza “discovered” this gem by chance, in Arusha, Tanzania. Soon there were talks in the media about the “blue treasure of Africa”, referring

violet taaffeite of Sri Lanka round cut


It is named after an Irish gemologist, Count Charles Taaffe, who discovered it in 1945 in a lot of cut spinel from Sri Lanka. All the characteristics of one of the stones were identical to the ones of spinels, except for the presence of a

sugilite from Wessels Mine, Kalahari in South Africa, cabochon cut


It was discovered in 1944 in Japan, its name honors the Japanese geologist Ken-ichi Sugi (1901-1948) who has identified it. But it was not until the late 1970s that a purple manganiferous variety from South Africa has been used in jewelry. There is also another

pink spherocobaltite from Morocco


Its name comes from the Greek “sphaira” for sphere and from its composition with cobalt, which gives it its color, this is a rare stone. It’a a Cobalt Carbonate that is often wrongly called “cobaltoan calcite” Cobaltoan calcite chemically is a pink calcite owed to

cabochon of sogdianite


Discovered in 1968 in Tajikistan, it owes its name to Sogdiana, who is the former name of this Central Asian region.

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